Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Update from the Doc

Today, we went in for our 40 week appointment.  As per usual, we're both doing great.  I'm a whopping 2 cm dilated now.  Exciting news, I know.  It's a jump from the 'loose 1cm' I was last week, but still nothing worth thinking twice about. 

Our doctor has been fantastic through all of this. She's patient, supportive and I never feel like she's rushing out of the office.  She hangs out with us for a while at every visit just chit chatting.  She checks in to make sure I'm doing ok mentally, in addition to the physical stuff, and really understands what we're feeling, and what our plan is for labor.

We'll let you know if there's any more progress as the week continues.  I'm going to be done in the office on Friday, and will work from home next week if the baby still hasn't come.  I'm saving every possible paid day off for after the baby arrives!

Now, you might be curious to see how long I can possibly stay pregnant.  The answer is - as long as another two weeks.  We scheduled the 41 week appointment for next Wednesday, where they do an ultrasound, measure the amniotic fluids and monitor his heart rate for an hour to make sure it's all 100% normal.  If there is any sign that he's not happy as a clam, then they'll induce me.  If he's doing fine, they'll let me go for another few days.  Then, on 4/11, I go in for another visit.  if he's still camped out, they'll plan to induce me on the 12th, one day shy of 42 weeks. 

So, unless you hear otherwise, those are the next key dates to keep in the calendars:  4/6 (The appointment is in the afternoon).  and then 4/11 (mid-day).  Fingers crossed I don't go that long, but it's a possibility.  Part of me is glad that the doc is taking this approach.  It reinforces their support in letting me do things naturally, and makes me feel safer, knowing that they aren't drug pushers, attempting to keep things on schedule.  She feels strongly that it's easy for everyone if labor happens naturally, and while I'm not the biggest fan of waiting around, I agree with her and want to let my body do what it was made to do. 

Until then, we're holding steady, looking forward to the big announcement.  Thanks for all of your love, patience and support.  We're hanging in there!

40 weeks!!!

Come on Baby Z! We're ready whenever you are?

Monday, March 28, 2011


Now I get laughter and head shakes instead if the question. Much more
effective, and not nearly as annoying!!

Time/Space Continuum

I just realized that the baby is due 'the day after tomorrow'. 

How often has that expression been used to talk about a coffee date, or the day the cleaning lady comes, or even a vacation that you've been looking forward to taking.  But in reference to having your first child, it's a bit surreal.  Especially after all of these months of referencing 10 weeks, 20 weeks, 30 weeks.  Forty weeks?  The day after tomorrow.  That's just weird. 

We had another weekend filled with mindless activities to keep ourselves busy.  Friends came over last night with a two month old, so Z got to at least scratch the "I want the baby NOW!" itch by holding her.  Let me tell you - it's much harder to hold a sleeping child on my fully formed preggo belly.

Back at work today, I've actually started working on my Beastly Project in earnest.  I might actually be able to make the presentation this week.  (We'll see if I can stay motivated as my energy and attention wanes).  I got a whopping 3 hours of sleep last night, and my eyes burn already.  Wish me luck getting through the day! 

xo L

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Baby watch 2011: still no baby

We had our fingers crossed for some baby action this weekend, but
despite hours walking around doing errands, bouncing on exercise
balls, and lots of spicy food, he's still camped out in his climate
controlled aqua suite.

Returning to work tomorrow is going to be rough. There will be loads
of "Are you kidding me?! You're still here!?" commentary, which you
know I love. Even Z is getting it as his job.

What can I do but buckle down and finally do that one last project
I've been deliberately avoiding. (we'll see if I can actually get it
done...) and after weeks of winding down his work load, Z's been added
to new projects again, just to keep him busy. Our bosses are ready to
kick us out!

Z put it perfectly yesterday. We feel like the actual pregnancy ended
two weeks ago when I hit 38 weeks. Now, we just wait until he shows up
to his own birthday party.

If you have a countdown going:
* 4 days (including today) to due date
* And the doc says she'll wait until April 12 to induce.

So, baby is guaranteed to come some time in the next 16 days. Stay
tuned. The waiting game continues!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Healthy Check up

The doc says we're healthy.  And he's still bottoms up.  I'm no closer to 10cm than I was last week, but at least we're both still doing well. 

On the positive side?  Now that I've dropped, I can pull the panel all the way back up on my maternity pants without cutting off circulation to my lower half.  Thanks Baby. 

39 Weeks: With a little perspective

As many of you know, I'm in a book club that meets once a month.  It's a great group of women and since we only see each other in monthly intervals, there is always a lot to catch up on.  Last night, I went out in attempts to shake off my mood.  As I looked around the room, I had a dose of perspective as we all caught up on our stories.  Turns out, I'm not the only one waiting. 

* Lori - Has had tarps and buckets in her living room for months, waiting for roof construction to be finalized in her brand new condo.  Just after she closed, over a year ago, there was a sudden storm that exposed serious roof damage and flooded her new apartment. She had to endure the entire winter in a demo site, repairing floors, interior walls and other damages costing thousands.  To make matters worse, she can't fix the ceilings until the roof repairs are complete, so the tarps and buckets remain.
Good News Update:  The roof repairs have finally been finalized, and she'll be ready to start her internal renovations before it's her turn to host book club!

* Brittany - Had to sit in the waiting room at Children's Hospital for over 3 hours, waiting for her 18 month old to come out of a major surgery to correct structural damage to her hands and feet.
Good News Update:  The surgery was a success and within two days, little Reagan was back to her resilient self, despite the casts on both of her hands and one of her feet.

* Katy - Has been trying to sell her family's home for almost two years.  With a 5 and 2 year old.  Can you imagine having to keep things clean, organized and 'show'-ready for that long with two young children?
Good News Update:  At the open house last weekend, they received not one but TWO offers and have accepted one of them.  Fingers crossed for a successful closing.

* Susie - Has finally met a man she wants to marry after 34 years of the wrong guys.
Good News Update:  They are moving in together next month!!

* Me?  Feels kind of silly for being so upset about waiting for something as special and important as our first child.  Thanks for all of your words of support and wisdom yesterday.  I certainly needed it. I head to the docs today for my weekly check-up.  Hopefully, we both continue to be healthy and on track... regardless of when the little guy decides to be born.
Good News Update:  TBD!    

7 Days to go until D-Day.  Fingers crossed he doesn't show up late to the party. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Are we there yet?

A general public service announcement:  I'm in a foul mood.  And have been for days.  Consider yourself warned. 

All of those weeks and months of feeling great are behind me.  I think my body some how stored all of those crazy pregnancy hormones and is releasing them now en masse.  Everything is setting me off and it takes ages to snap out of it.

It's been gloomy and gray for the past few days and I think that has something to do with it.  But really, I think it's that I'm fed up with the waiting game.  I could deal with the waiting if I felt great.  But I don't.  For weeks I've been experiencing early labor pains, but they aren't getting any worse, and they aren't doing anything to kick off labor.  Every afternoon contractions start, but they don't build or get any more painful, so I go to bed.  Then, by the time I wake up in the morning, they're gone.  It's so frustrating to never know what's coming.  And dealing with the excitement/anticipation, and the subsequent let down on a daily basis has a significant effect on my outlook. 

By the time I get out of bed, I'm fielding questions, text messages, emails and calls asking how I feel.  It's great to know that there are so many people who are anticipating this baby as much as we are, but the daily reminders about how little progress has been made is making me crazy.  It's been 6 weeks since people started saying "Any day now!?"  It's three strikes against me before I even start my day.  And to make matters worse - there's no part of me that doesn't hurt.  I'm sore from tip to toe. 

Luckily, the replacement that they hired for me at work started two weeks ago and is fully up to speed.  But that leaves me with little to do during business hours but show up and pretend to look busy.  Have you ever tried to kick a bad mood when you're bored to tears?  It's not easy.  The only project I have left is a giant painful one that I really don't want to do.  And knowing that I could (possibly) go into labor at any moment isn't great motivation to get it going.

Silver Lining:  my doctor reminded me last week that I won't be the first person to stay pregnant forever.  The baby WILL come.  When he feels like it.  I just have to focus on that, and stop obsessing about when. 

So that's it.  I apologize for being cranky.  And I appreciate your love and support through all of this.  One of these days, you'll get The Call, but until then, keep your fingers crossed that I don't have to wait until 41 weeks to deliver this child. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

DINK weekend

How did we spend our baby-free weekend?

Run through trader joes in 20 minutes
Quick stop for tacos to go
Dog park
Spring cleaning & laundry
Drop off the dry cleaning
Last night, A movie with girl friends (her) and march madness with the boys (him). 

And, today? We watched not one, not two, not even three but FOUR movies in our streaming Netflix queue. And I even managed to knock off a book this morning before the movie marathon started. 

Now, try doing all of that in a weekend with a newborn!

Sent from my iPad

Friday, March 18, 2011

Her Side

Isn't my husband sweet?

Now, of course - I'm disappointed that a weeks worth of contractions have amounted to nothing, but instead leaving the office wanting to rant, we left with a dose of perspective. (Our doctor is fantastic). And I needed it. No more being annoyed with getting up in the middle of the night... I'll knock out a few more pages in my book. No more being bored at work... I'll wrap up that last project that I've been procrastinating on (that's been hanging over my head). Bring on the birthday parties we have planned for this week... it's going to be one of the last times we can go to a bar without a time limit!

Another thing that I've been overlooking? The simple fact that this is the last time in our lives that we'll be children free. Forever. And while I feel like a moose and am sore in every joint and muscle, I can still do what I want, when I want, how I want. (Yes - for the last time, it's still ALL ABOUT ME!)

So, instead of rushing through these final days in anticipation, I'm going to enjoy our DINK status while I can and let Baby come when he's ready. Patience has never been my particular brand of virtue, but I can change my perspective and treasure a few more selfish days of enjoying our life, and our freedom pre-baby.

Who knows. Maybe he'll see how much fun we're having out here and decide to show up!

Look How Beautiful!!!

After today's doctor's appointment there is no progress to announce other than Leah and Baby are all perfect and healthy. I will venture to say that the doctor and I agree that Leah is blessed with a wonderful pregnancy. I am so proud of my wife and so lucky to have such an amazingly attractive love of my life carry our first born.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

38w + 1d and counting


As you know, we're into 38 weeks and the baby can come at any time. Unfortunately, he's choosing to not. We had some stirrings to start of the week, but they haven't progressed in any actionable way - so the waiting game starts anew.

Now, I know you're all anxious for The News. Trust me, I understand the feeling. We're so excited to meet the little guy already, but he, apparently, is on Uncle Mikey time and will show up when he's good and ready.

Thanks for all of your sweet notes and calls, etc. checking in. It's nice to know that our closest family and friends are looking forward to meeting the newest Zalinski/Selwyn-Baker as we are.

In attempts to move things forward, we're trying every trick in the book (except the Castor Oil, YUCK!) And I've even gone so far as to continue to book up our social calendar. My hope is that the plans will serve as a jinx to trick the baby into coming early... but if that doesn't work, at least we'll be entertained instead of sitting around the house waiting.

I have my next weekly docs appointment tomorrow. Hopefully, our week of "hurry-up-and-wait" has moved us in the right direction. If I'm still only 1cm dilated, expect a rant to soon follow.

Everyone send good baby ju-ju out there for us. And keep your fingers crossed for good news SOON! xo

Friday, March 11, 2011

Cleared for takeoff!

The doc gave me the ok to go to Michigan. Union Pier, here we come!!!
(she's doing the "Michigan hand" if you don't recognize it)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


17 Weeks - 27 Weeks - 37 Weeks
How fast time has gone by.
I'm ready for the little guy whenever he decides to make his appearance,
(although - I'd love to be able to go to Michigan this weekend!)
One last hurrah in Union Pier before we become PARENTS!!


37 Weeks! He's officially full-term.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bed time for the little monkey

Thanks Aunt Em for the darling bedding set. Our little monkey will
sleep like a jungle king in his new crib. (don't worry if you're
anti-bumper... He'll be sleeping in the co-sleeper bassinet in our
room until he's a little older.)