Monday, July 23, 2007

Important facts

Why is this relevant?
Oh, you will soon see.

And trust me, it was obscenely fun (and mildly nauseating) learning all about it.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Now it makes sense

Suddenly I realized why so many women keep their maiden name!!

And it doesn't have anything to do with feminism, or reinforcing the matriarchal lineage. It's so you don't have to re-learn how to do your signature.

Now, my mom has the most precise signature I've ever seen. And I've always wanted to emulate how the shapes of her letters never alter. And as I grew up, I always practiced how to make my letters certain ways. I went through an ALL CAP phase. Changed the shape of my e, a, f time and time again until I got it just right. Now, my handwriting has been consistent for years. It's just the way I want it. Until now.

Let me explain. My signature has become more and more refined over the past few years. It started with the whole leah selwyn-baker. Then got shortened to just leah baker. Then got to just lsbaker. A few connected figure-8's with a big loopy R at the end. And that signature has marked thousands and thousands of dollars worth of checks. It's priceless!

All of that changes in a few more months. I go from a nice B, to a challenging Z. and forget about the 'linsk' combo right in the middle. Of course, Zeke doesn't understand what the challenge is... but he's been 'linsk'-ing for his whole life. Not a fair comparison. We've written across many paper table clothes trying to resolve it. I haven't figured it out yet. I just can't get from the i to the n to the s.

But I'm going to have to figure out something before we get to signing all of those legal documents!!! I'm going to have to start practicing.

99 Days

Oy vey.

99 days until the big event.

Are you nervous? I am. I hope you all are getting your hotel and airfare finalized. Once you are booked into your hotel and flight, please let my wonderful friend Haley know. She will be building a list of who is where, so I can keep track of you wonderful people. Ask me or my mom if you need Haley's info.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Movin' right along

Mom came into town this past weekend, because she felt that she was missing out on the whole "Mother of the Bride" experience. And what an experience it was.

In a matter of hours, we had schlepted half way across Illinois and back doing all-things-wedding. Preview of the event space, Florist visits, Veil Purchases (complete with fashion show of my dress, shoes, etc), and a loooong trip to IKEA to check out some cheap decorating options. Then, off for some QT with the almost-in-laws. All in all, a good, LONG weekend.

It was wonderful to see mom and to have her here to share the stress and pressure of planning such a big event. She has great ideas and all of you out-of-towners should expect quite a treat!

Zeke really got a kick out of some of the planning too. He's become dedicated to working on floor plans and table arrangement and what not, and it's been really kind of fun.

I can't believe how fast time is ticking by.