Wednesday, October 10, 2007


So, now that the final count down is well underway, we find ourselves so busy DOING things for the wedding that there is no time to discuss what we PLAN to do!

At long last, all of the major decisions feel pretty buttoned up, and we are starting to get very excited about the big day. Which is only 2-1/2 weeks away. Yikes!

The highlights of our progress:
  • We got our marriage license last weekend, which was an experience, to say the least.
  • I had my trial updo and make up, and decided that I'm doing my own makeup (Shocker, right?)
  • Day by day, we are paying our vendors thousands of dollars, but who's counting!
  • The Red Sox are still in the race. The cubbies, sadly, are not. (Go Red Sox!!)
  • My dress finally fits properly. And the whole ensemble is as lovely as I hoped it would be.
  • We've both been SO busy at work! But are both still employed, which is a bonus.
  • We've started going to the gym in the mornings before work. That has nothing to do with the wedding, but is an impressive feat to anyone who knows either of us.
  • My eye ball issues seem to be solved, for the moment. Yay!
My mom is planning a few outings for the weekend, so if you'll be in town for a few days, be sure to ask someone what's going on. It's nothing formal or organized, but there are plenty of suggestions for those of you who have never been to Chicago before.

That's it for now. See you soon!

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