Saturday, November 19, 2011

Another first

Earlier this week, Z went in to get Bennett in the morning, and he was
sitting up in his crib (a first).

And now, this morning, I went it to get him, and he'd pull himself up
to standing from his belly and was hanging out, waiting for someone to
pick him up to play. He's getting so big!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Trained Ninja Assassins

Snack Time

Having some mum-mums together.
Leah Zalinski | Program Manager | Energy BBDO

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Dancing fools

Dancing to James Brown :)

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

7 months!!

Happy 7 month birthday to our little boy, who is growing up before our eyes. He now has two teeth (both bottoms), crawls like a champ, and as of Sunday, pulls himself up on whatever he can get his hands on. Watch out world, here he comes!

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7 months!!

Happy 7 month birthday to our little boy, who is growing up before our eyes. He now has two teeth (both bottoms), crawls like a champ, and as of Sunday, pulls himself up on whatever he can get his hands on. Watch out world, here he comes!

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